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SKU: 89-07

Stabbas are the core unit for many Gloomspite Gitz army, thanks to their ability to overwhelm foes with vast numbers. You�ll find them great for capturing objectives or shielding the squishier elements of your army � or for concealing some well-placed Loonsmasha Fanatics...

Inside the set, you�ll find enough stabbas, pokin� spears and Moon Shields to build a unit of Stabbas, or enough Moonclan bows and slittas to build a unit of Shootas. You�ll also find a choice of Icon Bearers, a Gong Basher, 2 barbed nets and a special stabba for denoting the unit�s Moonclan Boss.

    £28.00 Regular Price
    £25.20Sale Price
    VAT Included
    Only 1 left in stock

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